Hi @team,
sometimes when motion can not be determined reliably, e.g. on empty holes, CS live gives an arbitrarily high number (10^31).
In that cases, changing the threshold to exclude micrographs by motion is not possible any longer.
Is there a fix or patch around?
Hi Tarek - not a fix, but just as a workaround, you should still be able to exclude these mics by CTF fit, no? I would assume they would have very bad CTF fit resolution
Hi @olibclarke, good idea, that might usually work. However, I often see that motion is not reflected by the CTF, especially local motion on holey films.
maybe off topic here, but do you have good experience with the ice thickness filter?
I find it not useful at all, on an average (good) dataset it’s more or less a flat line.
I find it useful, just keep in mind what it represents - it is the ratio of the intensity (in the PS) of the ice ring band to regions either side (higher and lower resolution).
So for consistent, thin ice, it should be ~1. Anything higher than 1 indicates a significant ice ring… I often find a threshold of 1.1 or 1.2 good for excluding very thick ice regions.
If possible could you please share a screenshot of the overview tab showing the motion plot? I’m not sure why you wouldn’t be able to set a threshold regardless of the values.