Bug/Job Error: Particle Set Tools: Intersection

I’ve identified two errors with the Particle Set Intersection tool.

The first is fairly trivial, which is that particle set A must be larger than particle set B, or the job fails.


I can get around that by making sure that Set A is larger, and the job progresses further, but fails at the final step of output checking due to some mis-match in the B minus A set.

Hi @rj.edwards, could you try updating to CryoSPARC v2.14.2 and see if you get the same issues?

That was my thought too. Unfortunately, cryosparc is running on a cluster and I’m not admin, so this is not immediately under my control. But I will pursue updating.


Got the sysadmin to update and still having the same problem. Note that the last line “outputs are still usable,” appears not to be true either. I can see the output there in the little box, but when I try to pass it to the next job, that job sits there waiting for input.



License is valid.
Running job on master node
[CPU: 85.8 MB] Project P11 Job J513 Started
[CPU: 85.9 MB] Master running v2.14.2, worker running v2.14.2
[CPU: 86.0 MB] Running on lane dcc
[CPU: 86.0 MB] Resources allocated:
[CPU: 86.0 MB] Worker: dcc-cryosparc-02.dscr.duke.local
[CPU: 86.0 MB] --------------------------------------------------------------
[CPU: 86.0 MB] Importing job module for job type particle_sets…
[CPU: 86.0 MB] Job ready to run
[CPU: 86.0 MB] ***************************************************************
[CPU: 86.1 MB] Operating on particle. Action is intersect. Slot that will be used during output is blob.
[CPU: 137.8 MB] Inputted 76942 items as set A
[CPU: 137.8 MB] Action is Intersect/Difference
[CPU: 175.9 MB] Inputted 69294 items as set B
[CPU: 156.4 MB] Computing set operations…
[CPU: 207.8 MB] Intersection: 59750 items
[CPU: 207.8 MB] A-minus-B: 17192 items
[CPU: 207.8 MB] B-minus-A: 9544 items
[CPU: 207.8 MB] Creating output files…
[CPU: 207.9 MB] Done!
[CPU: 207.9 MB] Done in 1.69s
[CPU: 205.2 MB] --------------------------------------------------------------
[CPU: 205.2 MB] Compiling job outputs…
[CPU: 205.2 MB] Passing through outputs for output group intersect from input group particles_A
[CPU: 211.2 MB] This job outputted results [‘blob’]
[CPU: 211.2 MB] Loaded output dset with 59750 items
[CPU: 211.2 MB] Passthrough results [‘ctf’, ‘location’, ‘alignments3D’, ‘alignments2D’, ‘pick_stats’]
[CPU: 223.1 MB] Loaded passthrough dset with 76942 items
[CPU: 223.3 MB] Intersection of output and passthrough has 59750 items
[CPU: 223.3 MB] Passing through outputs for output group A_minus_B from input group particles_A
[CPU: 219.2 MB] This job outputted results [‘blob’]
[CPU: 219.2 MB] Loaded output dset with 17192 items
[CPU: 219.2 MB] Passthrough results [‘ctf’, ‘location’, ‘alignments3D’, ‘alignments2D’, ‘pick_stats’]
[CPU: 236.3 MB] Loaded passthrough dset with 76942 items
[CPU: 236.3 MB] Intersection of output and passthrough has 17192 items
[CPU: 236.3 MB] Passing through outputs for output group B_minus_A from input group particles_B
[CPU: 234.8 MB] This job outputted results [‘blob’]
[CPU: 234.8 MB] Loaded output dset with 9544 items
[CPU: 234.8 MB] Passthrough results [‘ctf’, ‘location’, ‘alignments3D’, ‘alignments2D’, ‘pick_stats’]
[CPU: 232.6 MB] Loaded passthrough dset with 69294 items
[CPU: 232.6 MB] Intersection of output and passthrough has 7357 items
[CPU: 218.3 MB] Checking outputs for output group intersect
[CPU: 229.8 MB] Checking outputs for output group A_minus_B
[CPU: 223.6 MB] Checking outputs for output group B_minus_A
[CPU: 220.1 MB] Traceback (most recent call last):
File “cryosparc2_master/cryosparc2_compute/run.py”, line 87, in cryosparc2_compute.run.main
File “cryosparc2_compute/jobs/runcommon.py”, line 843, in check_outputs
assert output_len == target_len, “Result %s had the wrong length (%d, should be %d). Note that outputs are still usable.” % (resname, output_len, target_len)
AssertionError: Result ctf had the wrong length (7357, should be 9544). Note that outputs are still usable.

Alright, we found a bug in the Particle Sets tool code that was causing this. We’ll have a fix out for it in the next release.

In the meantime, I’ve uploaded a patched copy of the Python file for you to use.

Download the file from our AWS S3 bucket here: https://structura-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/run_sets_v2.14_intersection_bugfix/run_sets.py

Download directly or use wget via the command line:

wget https://structura-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/run_sets_v2.14_intersection_bugfix/run_sets.py

Replace the file in the following folder on the cryoSPARC master node:

Then try running the same job again, and you should be good to go!

This fix is now out in the latest cryoSPARC v2.15