Hi all,
As noted by @kookjookeem, AFIS beam shift import support has now been added to CryoSPARC v4.4. Currently, it supports sessions collected with EPU, as it requires an XML file for each movie that contains the applied beam shift information. The import code that pulls the beam shift values from the XML files is analogous to the EPU_Group_AFIS repository provided by Dustin Morado, which was described extremely well in his forum post on SciLifeLab. Support for reading in the beam shifts from leginon/appion hasn’t been added explicitly yet. But, Exposure Group Utilities now allows for clustering exposures based on the beam shift values that are in the exposure dataset. The specific field storing the beam shift is in the exposures’ mscope_params/beam_shift
For non-EPU data collected sessions, CryoSPARC Tools could be used to read these beam shift values from any external files. Then, an existing exposure dataset could be loaded into tools and, for each movie, the mscope_params/beam_shift
field could be set. One would also have to set the mscope_params/beam_shift_known
field to the value 1
for all the exposures which have known beam shift values. Then, these exposures could be saved back to CryoSPARC, via the project.save_external_result
method, and clustered via Exposure Group Utilities.