AWS lane on local CS installation

Is there a way to add a AWS lane to the local installation of CS? If not, any plans to implement?

Thank you,

Hi @jaremko

I haven’t seen anything in the documentation supporting a mixture of local and remote workers.
It’s one or the other.


We did not intend to preclude the addition of an AWS lane to a non-AWS instance, but managers of such cryoSPARC instances need to ensure:

  • access from the AWS workers to the database ($((CRYOSPARC_BASE_PORT+1))), command core (+2), and Live command rtp (if needed, +5) ports on the cryoSPARC master
  • storage shared between the AWS workers and the cryoSPARC master

in a cybersecure manner.

Just to clarify… Would that mean just having permanently running EC2 machines or is there a way to use slurm or some autoscaling of AWS workers on local master?

Have you already considered Slurm Workload Manager - Slurm Power Saving Guide?