Hi everyone,
I encountered the following error when starting cryosparc:
Starting cryoSPARC System master process..
CryoSPARC is not already running.
configuring database
configuration complete
database: started
checkdb success
command_core: ERROR (spawn error)
and the return of the cryosparcm status
command is as follows:
Current cryoSPARC version: v4.4.1
CryoSPARC process status:
app STOPPED Not started
app_api STOPPED Not started
app_api_dev STOPPED Not started
command_core FATAL unknown error making dispatchers for 'command_core': EACCES
command_rtp STOPPED Not started
command_vis STOPPED Not started
database RUNNING pid 165417, uptime 0:00:09
An error ocurred while checking license status
Could not get license verification status. Are all CryoSPARC processes RUNNING?
When I check my connection with the cryosparc server using curl https://get.cryosparc.com/checklicenseexists/$LICENSE_ID
, the result showed that my computer can get access to the cryosparc server.
Does anyone have any suggestions to solve this problem?