Ab-initio trouble: can't change the number of classes

I tried to change the number of ab-initio classes to 2, but after I queued the job, it always was 1 and with OtherError: Cannot set parameter unless job status is building [command-req-error]
Can someone tell me why this error happened? Thanks!

Hi @Lulu,

If you’d like to edit the parameters of a job that has been queued or already run, you need to clear it in order to set it back to the ‘building’ stage. When you’ve selected the job, click the ‘Clear Job’ button on the sidebar and confirm:


Then click on the ‘building’ text on the job card to show the job builder, where you can set new parameters:


If you would like to keep the results of a previously run job but create a new one with some changed parameters, you can use the ‘Clone Job’ button to easily do that.

Thanks, it helps a lot.