Ab-initio class selection problem in v4.4.1 Live


How to de-select a class or select just one class in the v4.4.1 Live Ab-initio? Clicking on the class image would make the selection permanent. With more than one class selected, the Live streaming refinement job cannot be started.
If only one ab-initio class is available or selected, streaming refinement job can run okey.

In v3.3.2, only the clicked class is selected. The other class would be deselected automatically.


Yes it is a bug (I think) - using the dropdown menu (near the eye symbol on the righthand side) seems to work

Hi Oli,

I tried the drop down menu, it changed the 3D volume to be displayed, but still not the class selection on the left. With more than one class selected, the 3D refinement can not be started. v4.4.1.

Thank you.


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@harry @olibclarke We noted down the issue and plan to fix it in an upcoming release. For a temporary workaround, you may restart ab initio reconstruction within the Live session and select the desired volume.

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Hi @harry, thanks very much for reporting. This has been fixed in the latest CryoSPARC v4.5, released May 7 2024.

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