3D Classification returning incorrect diagnostic plots


I recently ran a 3D classification with a particle set of 365,324 particles in 3 classes and a target resolution of 2 A. I noticed that the diagnostic plots were incorrectly displaying which particles belonged to each class. In the pictures I’ve attached, it shows that the particle sizes for each class in the outputs is different than the particle sizes for each class in the plots. I ran other 3D classification jobs with slightly different parameters, but none of them had this problem. I am currently running V4.4.1.


Probably you have “reorder classes by size” switched on. I believe this was the default in the version you are using - it is useful with larger number of classes, but it is a little confusing if you don’t realize it is switched on, as the class numbers are switched at the end of classification.

Ah yes, that was it. Thank you for clearing that up

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