Volume tools feature requests


Three related feature requests for volume tools:

  1. CS now has the capacity to split apart volume series. Would it be possible to allow volume tools to use this feature natively to handle volume series - e.g. to perform volume operations on each component of a volume series, then recombine them into a volume series for the user to download?

  2. It would be useful to allow application of a mask with volume tools, particularly when combined with (1) - e.g. to quickly multiply all 3D classes by the focus mask for easier inspection.

  3. When a volume is provided that has associated passthrough volumes (e.g. a map with associated sharpened maps, half maps & masks), it would be useful to have an option to allow for the same volume tools operations to be applied to the passthrough volumes as well (e.g. to allow for cropping & resampling masks & maps in a single operation, without having to swap out lower level slots).



Thanks @olibclarke, these make good sense and we’ve recorded them :slight_smile:


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