Hi everyone. I wanted to use pyem to re-extract my local-refine particles in relion.
Firstly, I used the command
csparc2star.py cryosparc_P359_J540_006_particles.cs P359_J540_passthrough_particles.cs P359_J540_particles.star
Then, I used match *_gctf.star by the micrographs’ name. I combined the rlnCtfImage, rlnVoltage, rln SphericalAberration, rlnAmplitudeContrast, rlnMagnification, rlnDetectorPixelSize, rlnCtfFigureOfMerit, rlnFinalResolution in gctf.star with the P359_J540_particles.star.
And I got the star file like this:
stack_0007_cor_DW.mrc 1502 753 -1.850596 57.413094 7.797913 23543.001953 23484.187500 -77.690010 -2.661191 0.000000 1 1 stack_0007_cor_DW.ctf:mrc 300.000000 2.700000 0.100000 45998.160156 5.000000 0.143954 2.948065
Finally, I re-extract particles in relion. An error happened in relion. I didn’t know why the coordinates were outside micrographs. Actually, I tried deleting these particles. However, there were too many particles having the problem. I think maybe something went wrong.
Preprocessing::extractParticlesFromOneFrame ERROR: particle1 lies completely outside micrograph stack_2221_cor_DW.mrc
micrograph x,y,z,n-size= 5760 , 4092 , 1 , 1
particle position= 299 , 4597
in: /ShareNV/app/relion/3.0.6_cuda10.1/src/preprocessing.cpp, line 881
micrograph x,y,z,n-size= 5760 , 4092 , 1 , 1
particle position= 2066 , 5429
in: /ShareNV/app/relion/3.0.6_cuda10.1/src/preprocessing.cpp, line 881