Turn off auto backup

How do I turn off cryosparc auto backup? Currently the cryosparc backup and generate archive file every day and consume the space very quickly. Thank you!

I don’t think CryoSPARC automatically backs up…? If it’s backing up the database daily, did you set it up in a cron job? Just disable that.

Excuse me, what do you mean by cron job? How do I check that? I don’t remember I set up anything about data managment.

If you didn’t set one up, there shouldn’t be one.

Here’s the reference page for CryoSPARC (backup):

And a brief guide to cron: (this was the top Google hit)

Or: (RedHat guide)

Where are these archives being created? Location and size of the database archives?

I run the CryoSPARC on our cluster. As I check cron job using crontab -l I didn’t find any scheduled cron job. Since cryoSPARC is running in one node of cluster, so I ssh to the node running cryosparc and check cron job, seems I don’t have permission to run crontab. So I’m not sure whether there’s cron job on the node of cryosparc. If there isn’t automatically archive job setting in cryosparc, probably I need to ask our IT specialist.

That would probably be the best idea.