Topaz train error with the version 4.5.3


I am combining the new movies and running the template pick using the classes from the previous dataset to get the particles for the Topaz train.
Three datasets collected with the same parameters are used as input micrographs for the template pick and the Topaz train.
I haven’t gotten the error with the same strategy for a different project.
The end of the log is shown below,

[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "010873239182113701823_FoilHole_871125_Data_30843584_30843586_20240701_032843_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "002751553648898157715_FoilHole_19315514_Data_18215478_18215480_20240619_105754_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "006433023299928644952_FoilHole_3046490_Data_30843584_30843586_20240702_212158_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "007571361872567955548_FoilHole_19315590_Data_18215478_18215480_20240619_112001_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] Traceback (most recent call last):
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] File "/mnt/nasapps/production/topaz/0.2.5/bin/topaz", line 8, in <module>
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] sys.exit(main())
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] ^^^^^^
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] File "/mnt/nasapps/production/topaz/0.2.5/lib/python3.11/site-packages/topaz/", line 148, in main
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] args.func(args)
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] File "/mnt/nasapps/production/topaz/0.2.5/lib/python3.11/site-packages/topaz/commands/", line 132, in main
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] image_list_train = pd.DataFrame({'image_name': image_names_train, 'path': paths_train})
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] File "/mnt/nasapps/production/python/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 664, in __init__
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] mgr = dict_to_mgr(data, index, columns, dtype=dtype, copy=copy, typ=manager)
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] File "/mnt/nasapps/production/python/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/core/internals/", line 493, in dict_to_mgr
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] return arrays_to_mgr(arrays, columns, index, dtype=dtype, typ=typ, consolidate=copy)
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] File "/mnt/nasapps/production/python/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/core/internals/", line 118, in arrays_to_mgr
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] index = _extract_index(arrays)
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] File "/mnt/nasapps/production/python/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/core/internals/", line 666, in _extract_index
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] raise ValueError("All arrays must be of the same length")
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] ValueError: All arrays must be of the same length
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:41:46 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "cryosparc_master/cryosparc_compute/", line 115, in
  File "/scratch/cluster_scratch/cryosparc/ncif-oreil-cryosparc/cryosparc_worker_oel8/cryosparc_compute/jobs/topaz/", line 332, in run_topaz_wrapper_train
  File "/scratch/cluster_scratch/cryosparc/ncif-oreil-cryosparc/cryosparc_worker_oel8/cryosparc_compute/jobs/topaz/", line 99, in run_process
    assert process.returncode == 0, f"Subprocess exited with status {process.returncode} ({str_command})"
AssertionError: Subprocess exited with status 1 (/mnt/beegfs/software/ train_test_split --number 8144 --seed 1642718247 --image-dir /mnt/beegfs/oreilly_cryo/Kitaik/Arctica/2024/Jun/0618_grid_A_1_1/CS-20240618-grid-a-1-1/J130/preprocessed /mnt/beegfs/oreilly_cryo/Kitaik/Arctica/2024/Jun/0618_grid_…)

This is the output when I run the command;
"cryosparcm cli “get_job(‘P3’, ‘J130’, ‘version’, ‘job_type’, ‘params_spec’, ‘status’, ‘instance_information’, ‘input_slot_groups’)”

{'_id': '669acafd4d4732bfab80f864', 'input_slot_groups': [{'connections': [{'group_name': 'micrographs', 'job_uid': 'J126', 'slots': [{'group_name': 'micrographs', 'job_uid': 'J126', 'result_name': 'micrograph_blob', 'result_type': 'exposure.micrograph_blob', 'slot_name': 'micrograph_blob', 'version': 'F'}, {'group_name': 'micrographs', 'job_uid': 'J126', 'result_name': 'mscope_params', 'result_type': 'exposure.mscope_params', 'slot_name': 'mscope_params', 'version': 'F'}, {'group_name': 'micrographs', 'job_uid': 'J126', 'result_name': 'background_blob', 'result_type': 'exposure.stat_blob', 'slot_name': None, 'version': 'F'}, {'group_name': 'micrographs', 'job_uid': 'J126', 'result_name': 'ctf', 'result_type': 'exposure.ctf', 'slot_name': None, 'version': 'F'}, {'group_name': 'micrographs', 'job_uid': 'J126', 'result_name': 'ctf_stats', 'result_type': 'exposure.ctf_stats', 'slot_name': None, 'version': 'F'}, {'group_name': 'micrographs', 'job_uid': 'J126', 'result_name': 'rigid_motion', 'result_type': 'exposure.motion', 'slot_name': None, 'version': 'F'}, {'group_name': 'micrographs', 'job_uid': 'J126', 'result_name': 'spline_motion', 'result_type': 'exposure.motion', 'slot_name': None, 'version': 'F'}, {'group_name': 'micrographs', 'job_uid': 'J126', 'result_name': 'micrograph_thumbnail_blob_1x', 'result_type': 'exposure.thumbnail_blob', 'slot_name': None, 'version': 'F'}, {'group_name': 'micrographs', 'job_uid': 'J126', 'result_name': 'micrograph_thumbnail_blob_2x', 'result_type': 'exposure.thumbnail_blob', 'slot_name': None, 'version': 'F'}, {'group_name': 'micrographs', 'job_uid': 'J126', 'result_name': 'movie_blob', 'result_type': 'exposure.movie_blob', 'slot_name': None, 'version': 'F'}, {'group_name': 'micrographs', 'job_uid': 'J126', 'result_name': 'micrograph_blob_non_dw', 'result_type': 'exposure.micrograph_blob', 'slot_name': None, 'version': 'F'}, {'group_name': 'micrographs', 'job_uid': 'J126', 'result_name': 'micrograph_blob_non_dw_AB', 'result_type': 'exposure.micrograph_blob', 'slot_name': None, 'version': 'F'}, {'group_name': 'micrographs', 'job_uid': 'J126', 'result_name': 'gain_ref_blob', 'result_type': 'exposure.gain_ref_blob', 'slot_name': None, 'version': 'F'}]}], 'count_max': inf, 'count_min': 1, 'description': 'Micrographs for training Topaz', 'name': 'micrographs', 'repeat_allowed': False, 'slots': [{'description': '', 'name': 'micrograph_blob', 'optional': False, 'title': 'Raw micrograph data', 'type': 'exposure.micrograph_blob'}, {'description': '', 'name': 'micrograph_blob_denoised', 'optional': True, 'title': 'Denoised micrograph data', 'type': 'exposure.micrograph_blob'}, {'description': '', 'name': 'mscope_params', 'optional': True, 'title': 'Microscope parameters for identifying negatively stained data', 'type': 'exposure.mscope_params'}], 'title': 'Micrographs', 'type': 'exposure'}, {'connections': [{'group_name': 'particles_selected', 'job_uid': 'J128', 'slots': [{'group_name': 'particles_selected', 'job_uid': 'J128', 'result_name': 'location', 'result_type': 'particle.location', 'slot_name': 'location', 'version': 'F'}, {'group_name': 'particles_selected', 'job_uid': 'J128', 'result_name': 'blob', 'result_type': 'particle.blob', 'slot_name': None, 'version': 'F'}, {'group_name': 'particles_selected', 'job_uid': 'J128', 'result_name': 'alignments2D', 'result_type': 'particle.alignments2D', 'slot_name': None, 'version': 'F'}, {'group_name': 'particles_selected', 'job_uid': 'J128', 'result_name': 'ctf', 'result_type': 'particle.ctf', 'slot_name': None, 'version': 'F'}, {'group_name': 'particles_selected', 'job_uid': 'J128', 'result_name': 'pick_stats', 'result_type': 'particle.pick_stats', 'slot_name': None, 'version': 'F'}]}], 'count_max': inf, 'count_min': 1, 'description': 'Particle locations for training Topaz', 'name': 'particles', 'repeat_allowed': False, 'slots': [{'description': '', 'name': 'location', 'optional': False, 'title': 'Particle locations', 'type': 'particle.location'}], 'title': 'Particles', 'type': 'particle'}], 'instance_information': {'CUDA_version': '11.8', 'available_memory': '1.45TB', 'cpu_model': 'Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6254 CPU @ 3.10GHz', 'driver_version': '12.1', 'gpu_info': [{'id': 0, 'mem': 34079899648, 'name': 'Tesla V100-SXM2-32GB', 'pcie': '0000:15:00'}], 'ofd_hard_limit': 131072, 'ofd_soft_limit': 1024, 'physical_cores': 36, 'platform_architecture': 'x86_64', 'platform_node': '', 'platform_release': '4.18.0-553.8.1.el8_10.x86_64', 'platform_version': '#1 SMP Tue Jul 2 05:18:08 PDT 2024', 'total_memory': '1.48TB', 'used_memory': '13.02GB'}, 'job_type': 'topaz_train', 'params_spec': {'exec_path': {'value': '/mnt/beegfs/software/'}, 'num_particles': {'value': 400}, 'par_diam': {'value': 500}, 'use_denoised': {'value': False}}, 'project_uid': 'P3', 'status': 'failed', 'uid': 'J130', 'version': 'v4.5.3'}

Any suggestion to fix this error?


There might be an underlying error that causes

What is the output of the command

cryosparcm eventlog P3 J130 | head -n 60


This is the beginning of the log,

[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:24 GMT]  License is valid.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:24 GMT]  Launching job on lane FRCE OEL8 target FRCE OEL8 ...
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:25 GMT]  Launching job on cluster FRCE OEL8
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:25 GMT]  
====================== Cluster submission script: ========================
#SBATCH --partition=gpu
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:v100:1
#SBATCH --time=256:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=8GB
#SBATCH --job-name cryosparc_P3_J130
#SBATCH --output=/mnt/beegfs/oreilly_cryo/Kitaik/Arctica/2024/Jun/0618_grid_A_1_1/CS-20240618-grid-a-1-1/J130/output.txt
#SBATCH --error=/mnt/beegfs/oreilly_cryo/Kitaik/Arctica/2024/Jun/0618_grid_A_1_1/CS-20240618-grid-a-1-1/J130/error.txt

/scratch/cluster_scratch/cryosparc/ncif-oreil-cryosparc/cryosparc_worker_oel8/bin/cryosparcw run --project P3 --job J130 --master_hostname --master_command_core_port 39002 > /mnt/beegfs/oreilly_cryo/Kitaik/Arctica/2024/Jun/0618_grid_A_1_1/CS-20240618-grid-a-1-1/J130/job.log 2>&1 
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:25 GMT]  -------- Submission command: 
sbatch /mnt/beegfs/oreilly_cryo/Kitaik/Arctica/2024/Jun/0618_grid_A_1_1/CS-20240618-grid-a-1-1/J130/
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:26 GMT]  -------- Cluster Job ID: 
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:26 GMT]  -------- Queued on cluster at 2024-07-24 13:27:26.231862
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:27 GMT]  -------- Cluster job status at 2024-07-24 13:27:27.222059 (0 retries)
          41783535       gpu cryospar ncif-ore PD       0:00      1 (None)
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:32 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 92 MB] Job J130 Started
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:33 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 92 MB] Master running v4.5.3, worker running v4.5.3
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:33 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 92 MB] Working in directory: /mnt/beegfs/oreilly_cryo/Kitaik/Arctica/2024/Jun/0618_grid_A_1_1/CS-20240618-grid-a-1-1/J130
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:33 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 92 MB] Running on lane FRCE OEL8
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:33 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 92 MB] Resources allocated:
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:33 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 92 MB]   Worker:  FRCE OEL8
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:33 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 92 MB]   CPU   :  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:33 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 92 MB]   GPU   :  [0]
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:33 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 92 MB]   RAM   :  [0]
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:33 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 92 MB]   SSD   :  False
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:33 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 92 MB] --------------------------------------------------------------
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:33 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 92 MB] Importing job module for job type topaz_train...
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:36 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 258 MB] Job ready to run
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:36 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 258 MB] ***************************************************************
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:36 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 258 MB] Topaz is a particle detection tool created by Tristan Bepler and Alex J. Noble.
- Bepler, T., Morin, A., Rapp, M. et al. Positive-unlabeled convolutional neural networks for particle picking in cryo-electron micrographs. Nat Methods 16, 1153-1160 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41592-019-0575-8
- Bepler, T., Noble, A.J., Berger, B. Topaz-Denoise: general deep denoising models for cryoEM. bioRxiv 838920 (2019) doi:

Structura Biotechnology Inc. and cryoSPARC do not license Topaz nor distribute Topaz binaries. Please ensure you have your own copy of Topaz licensed and installed under the terms of its GNU General Public License v3.0, available for review at:
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:58 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 435 MB] Starting Topaz process using version 0.2.5...
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:27:58 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 435 MB] Random seed used is 1642718247
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:28:03 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 440 MB] --------------------------------------------------------------
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:28:03 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 440 MB] Starting preprocessing...
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:28:03 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 440 MB] Using a downsampling factor of 18
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:28:03 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 440 MB] Starting micrograph preprocessing by running command /mnt/beegfs/software/ preprocess --scale 18 --niters 200 --num-workers 4 -o /mnt/beegfs/oreilly_cryo/Kitaik/Arctica/2024/Jun/0618_grid_A_1_1/CS-20240618-grid-a-1-1/J130/preprocessed [40811 MICROGRAPH PATHS EXCLUDED FOR LEGIBILITY]
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:28:03 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 440 MB] Preprocessing over 2 processes...
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:28:03 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 450 MB] Inverting negative staining...
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:28:04 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 463 MB] Inverting negative staining complete.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:28:04 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 463 MB] Micrograph preprocessing command complete.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:24 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] Starting particle pick preprocessing by running command /mnt/beegfs/software/ convert --down-scale 18 --threshold 0 -o /mnt/beegfs/oreilly_cryo/Kitaik/Arctica/2024/Jun/0618_grid_A_1_1/CS-20240618-grid-a-1-1/J130/topaz_particles_processed.txt /mnt/beegfs/oreilly_cryo/Kitaik/Arctica/2024/Jun/0618_grid_A_1_1/CS-20240618-grid-a-1-1/J130/topaz_particles_raw.txt
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:41 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] Particle pick preprocessing command complete.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:41 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] Preprocessing done in 698.224s.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:41 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] --------------------------------------------------------------
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:41 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] Starting train-test splitting...
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:41 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] Starting dataset splitting by running command /mnt/beegfs/software/ train_test_split --number 8144 --seed 1642718247 --image-dir /mnt/beegfs/oreilly_cryo/Kitaik/Arctica/2024/Jun/0618_grid_A_1_1/CS-20240618-grid-a-1-1/J130/preprocessed /mnt/beegfs/oreilly_cryo/Kitaik/Arctica/2024/Jun/0618_grid_A_1_1/CS-20240618-grid-a-1-1/J130/topaz_particles_processed.txt
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:49 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] # splitting 40722 micrographs with 2467692 labeled particles into 32578 train and 8144 test micrographs
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:49 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] FutureWarning: In a future version of pandas all arguments of concat except for the argument 'objs' will be keyword-only.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:51 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] FutureWarning: In a future version of pandas all arguments of concat except for the argument 'objs' will be keyword-only.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:51 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "006917309490250532871_FoilHole_973858_Data_30843584_30843586_20240701_184729_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:51 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "007452817955985920138_FoilHole_18346107_Data_17285042_17285044_20240718_030112_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:51 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "015851124602874910758_FoilHole_17300925_Data_17285042_17285044_20240717_123931_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:51 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "015729437975517741703_FoilHole_19245823_Data_18215478_18215480_20240619_003849_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:51 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "007141343432483287512_FoilHole_900284_Data_30843584_30843586_20240701_075215_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:51 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "010317935643069634046_FoilHole_3074379_Data_30843584_30843586_20240703_010953_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:51 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "002122225134835872571_FoilHole_1991039_Data_30843584_30843586_20240702_052012_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:51 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "016833314675335039802_FoilHole_1932791_Data_30843584_30843586_20240701_202913_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:51 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "011310912881318247449_FoilHole_19272925_Data_18215478_18215480_20240619_050118_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:51 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "016544313668516265028_FoilHole_1972421_Data_30843584_30843586_20240702_015553_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:51 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "004796551710930511056_FoilHole_3050619_Data_30843584_30843586_20240702_214105_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:51 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "008318470373548537630_FoilHole_3107024_Data_30843584_30843586_20240703_061418_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.
[Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:39:51 GMT] [CPU RAM used: 512 MB] WARNING: no micrograph found matching image name "008235564005988474635_FoilHole_1945901_Data_30843584_30843586_20240701_222142_fractions_patch_aligned_doseweighted". Skipping it.

Thanks. How many micrographs are reported missing

cryosparcm eventlog P3 J130 | grep "no micrograph found matching image name" | wc -l


It is 40722, all of the micrographs.

How may exposures where used for training in that other project?

less than 20K. Should I split the micrograph and run the multiple topaz trains, respectively? I got exactly the same problem with another project for over 30K micrographs.

It seems the Topaz train can’t handle over 20K micrographs. I also got the same issue with 22K micrographs. After splitting the micrograph below 20k, it runs very well.

Thanks for your help!