The difference between the two versions (V3.1 and V4.3.1) of CryoSparc for the Blob picker function

We found that the particles’ quality is extremely different within the same batch of movies, and the quality in V3.1 is better. May I inquire if the code for the blob picker function the same in CryoSparc v3.1 and v4.3.1?

Hi @Shuqi1416!

The blob picker code itself should be unchanged between the two versions. May I ask what specifically you’re looking at to decide that the quality in v3.1 is better?

Hi @rposert,

Thank you very much for your reply.

I would like to show the particles we obtained after 2D classification with the same movies and the same parameter for data processing:

Particles obtained from v3.1:
partiles v3.1

After that we use the same strategy for 3D reconstruction and refinement, we failed to obtain our target structure using v4.3.1

Particles obtained from v4.3.1

We selected particle like the circled classes below. After classification and refinement, we finally obtained a 4.1A map with the v3.1 CryoSPARC. However, the particle sets seem quite different in v4.3 CryoSPARC (using the same configurations like particle diameters in blob picker), and we tried but fail to obtain a map with a resolution close to 4.1A. Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Thank you so much.

Selected particles:
partiles v3.1

Are you sure these are the same 2D classification parameters? This looks similar to what happens when “Force/Max” is off, and the classification has not yet completely converged.