Strategy with different regions having different symmetry

Hello All. I’m a bit uncertain of how to approach 3D refinements of a particular protein. I’m working with a large, tetrameric channel that exhibits some large motion in its cytoplasmic domains. I don’t think what I have is an uncommon problem, but I’m uncertain of how to proceed. I’ll start from the top:

After picking I’m left with a million particles. Using C4 ab-initios and hetero-refinements with decoys I have a clean particle stack of ~215K particles. A C4 non-uniform refinement gives me a 3.45A map with an OK TMD in C4, but the map is deficient at the cytoplasmic domains.

Essentially, I am presented with a region of my protein that’s in C4 but has four, individual domains which are moving around a bit that are not in any symmetry. I want to see if I can separate these classes out, which has been done before for this protein but the documentation is lacking.

This is where I could be overthinking things. I want to 3D class this protein and then try non-uniform and local refinements of just one cytoplasmic domain to see if I can A. separate discrete classes and B. improve the maps. But how should I apply symmetry?

I’ve done both 3D classification in C1 and C4 and refined the outputs. The C1 outputs are worse in terms of resolution and much of the map, but I can see much more motion (as I expect) of the cytoplasmic domains.

The 3D classification for C4 gives me some slightly worse resolutions (I suspect I need more particles based off of reslog), but the maps still have deficiencies in the cytoplasmic domains.

I was going to proceed with trying some local refinements on the C1 maps (masks and refinements both for TMD and cytoplasmic domains) but I have a suspicion that I am missing something here.

My initial strategy would be get to 3.5Ang with that 215K particles with NU refine (as you have), then symmetry expand and 3D class into 12-24 classes with hard classification on and using increase Epochs and particles-per-class, with max resolution set to 4-6Ang. Maybe try two or three different max resolutions.

You should end up with several classes which are the same, but rotated around the Z-axis. Pick one (they should effectively be all the same, particle counts will likely/hopefully be similar) and use Local refinement for all further processing.

Of course, if you have multiple states hiding in there as well, you might find multiple different states with the four different rotations.

Also, C4 membrane complexes often seem to exhibit more C2-symmetry like behaviour in terms of flexibility (pretty sure @olibclarke has commented on this in the past?) it could also be worth taking your C4 reconstruction and re-running with C2 symmetry.

Something else to try is a static mask (which you can make in Chimera) which is soft enough to include the extrinsic regions which are getting lost.


Hello again,

Thanks for the advice! Would you symmetry expand C4 and then 3D class C4?

I’ve asked about a C4 being C2 before on here and @olibclarke said I wasn’t imagining things.

3D class in C1, as you’ve expanded your particle set. :slight_smile:

Good; I wasn’t dreaming Oli’s comment, then!