Stack_reference missing with

Hi there, I’m using pyem to convert cs files to a star file using the following command: --swapxy P14/J105/cryosparc_P14_J105_008_particles.cs P14_J105_passthrough_particles.cs

however when I’m trying to create a star file, the reference number of the stack (Bold character) is now missing for the images (I did a test to remake star files that previously have this reference for the particles and the images, but now the reference is lacking for the images)

000001@J104/extract/000002995269361632976_stack_02162_X+0Y+0-0_particles.mrc J79/imported/000002995269361632976_stack_02162_X+0Y+0-0.mrc 2285 3695 35.921402 50.462578 168.767609 0.569847 -1.183528 25541.150391 25057.716797 -25.684654 0.000000 0.000000 10 2 1

the reference number in bold is now missing
000001@J104/extract/000002995269361632976_stack_02162_X+0Y+0-0_particles.mrc J79/imported/stack_02162_X+0Y+0-0.mrc 2285 3695 35.921402 50.462578 168.767609 0.569847 -1.183528 25541.150391 25057.716797 -25.684654 0.000000 0.000000 10 2 1

do you guys know what might be happening in here? Do I need to reinstall pyem?