Small membrane protein: a good 2d result but not a ab-initio? result

Hello, everyone. I’m new to the field of cryo-electron microscopy and currently working on a small protein of around 60 kDa. I have reconstituted it into nanodiscs and collected about 3,000 micrographs. I have got some not bad 2D classification result, but can not reconstruct the ab-initio model that could be used for further processing. Could anyone share advice or suggest solutions to help overcome this issue? Thank you!

This is my parameters:

2d classification:
Number of 2D classes :100
Number of online-EM iterations: 40
Batchsize per class: 200
I have tried to turn off Force max over poses/shifts, but can not help me to generate the excellent result. Should I try other parameters?

Number of Ab-Initio classes: 3
Maximum resolution (Angstroms): 6-8
Initial resolution (Angstroms) :7-15
Class similarity:0
Actually, I realized that mderating batchsize could help to class better in ab-initio job, and I have attempted but not work.
If anyone can give me some advice, I would be grateful, thanks again!

Looks very nice! I have a protein with similar size, and have same problem as you. To me the protein is too small and without any feature outside the nanodisc. It’s very difficult to align the particles. Let’s see if anyone have suggestions about this :slight_smile: