Sharpening Tools throws error for "missing" mask

Hi there,

I am using CryoSPARC v4.5.3

When I connect two half maps and the refinment mask from an helical refinement job to the Sharpening Tools Job and NOT checkmark the “Generate New FSC mask” (because I am providing one taken from the superseding helical refinment job, I get the following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "cryosparc_master/cryosparc_compute/", line 115, in
  File "/Local/cryosparc/cryosparc2_worker_remote/cryosparc_compute/jobs/utilities/", line 231, in run_sharpen
    assert (mask_dset is not None) and (mask_fsc_auto is not None), "If not supplying an input mask, the 'Generate new FSC mask' parameter must be activated!"
AssertionError: If not supplying an input mask, the 'Generate new FSC mask' parameter must be activated!

Am I missing something, " If not supplying an input mask, the ‘Generate new FSC mask’ parameter must be activated!" I am supplying an input mask, am I not?

Thank you for your help.



Please can you post

  1. the output of this command (replacing P99 and J123 with the job’s actual project and job IDs):
    cryosparcm cli "get_job('P99', 'J123', 'job_type', 'version', 'params_spec', 'instance_information', 'input_slot_groups')"
  2. the lines preceding the Traceback in the event log

I do not have access to the cryosparc master and thus cannot make use of the command line tool. But I can ask for it and get back to you.

In the meantime, here the downloaded event log (pdfs are not authorized, yet the event log is a pdf file…).

Thanks for posting this information from the event log PDF, no need for more commands (at this time).

Are you referring to the forum guidelines?

Ok thanks for taking a look.

No, I am referring to the message I receive when I try to drop in / attach a pdf file for you to see.

See attached image.

Some logging or error files are written in pdf files and are conveniently downloaded as such. Why not supporting them here in the forum?

Hi @D_E_N_N_I_S,

Thanks for bearing with us re: how to workaround this error in sharpening tools. This is due to the mask_fsc_auto input slot not matching any of the input masks.

I have attached a GIF with a way to workaround this by manually connecting the desired mask (in this case the mask_fsc slot) from a Helical Refinement to a Sharpening Tools job. Please let me know if this is helpful



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