In cryosparc V4.3.0, I used the “cleanup workspace data” function, after which all the data in my workspace was deleted and the jobs were left in “build” mode. However, when I cleaned up the workspace, I only checked intermediate results, failed jobs, etc. (default selection). I have attached screenshots. Did I do anything wrong, or is it a bug? I really appreciate any input.
My selection of data to cleanup:
Status after the cleanup:
Prior to running the clean-up, had you marked any jobs as “final”?
Did any jobs get cleared because they were “non-final” and you had enabled 3. Clear non-final jobs?
Hi @wtempel, thank you for your reply! I have not manually marked any job as final, but all jobs except “inspect manual pick” job are complete so I assume that I do not need to do anything extra.
Marking a job as final is distinct from a job being complete. In other words, enabling Clear non-final jobs is expected clear complete jobs unless the jobs have been marked as final or are the ancestor of a job that has been marked as final
Thank you very much for your reply and at least now we know what is wrong. However, I do recommend you change the default parameters if it will delete all data without user manual operations. In previous versions I never needed to think about it when I wanted to clear intermediate results. The default setting right now will create potential risk for data lost.
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agreed, there should absolutely be some massive notification “you have not marked any jobs as final - this is different from completed jobs - if you push this button you will be deleting all jobs in this project”
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Or, you can just uncheck “clear non-final jobs” by default, and users can manually check this if they want.
I have been using Cryosparc since V0, but have not followed the recent development in data management. I am unaware of the function of marking a job as final. This is definitely a very nice feature but for most old users they might make similar mistakes like me.
@chenzhao @CryoEM2 CryoSPARC v4.4 includes changes to the Data Cleanup tool.
@wtempel This is awesome! Thank you very much for taking my suggestions!
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