Removing a ghost project

Dear colleagues,

I want to delete the project P12 from the cryosparc.
The corresponding files/folder were already deleted. I even managed to recreate the folder with the deleted project and copy the lock from other projects to clean the unexisting protocols within P12.

At the same time, the P12 itself is still on the list of projects.
Please advise how I can remove it completely.


And if one enters where are said 9 jobs there are none

and the following screen

When running the command

cryosparcm cli “get_project(‘P12’)”

I received the following -

cryosparc_user@cryoem1:~/cryosparc/cryosparc_database$ cryosparcm cli “get_project(‘P12’)”
{‘id’: ‘YYYYYYYYYYY’, ‘archived’: False, ‘created_at’: ‘Mon, 22 Apr 2024 15:05:06 GMT’, ‘created_at_version’: ‘v4.4.1+240110’, ‘deleted’: False, ‘description’: ‘Enter a description.’, ‘detached’: False, ‘generate_intermediate_results_settings’: {‘class_2D’: False, ‘class_3D’: False, ‘var_3D_disp’: False}, ‘hidden’: False, ‘intermediate_results_size_bytes’: 0, ‘intermediate_results_size_last_updated’: ‘Wed, 24 Apr 2024 09:06:11 GMT’, ‘last_accessed’: {‘accessed_at’: ‘Tue, 10 Dec 2024 11:54:07 GMT’, ‘name’: 'Dmitry }, ‘last_exp_group_id_used’: 6, ‘owner_user_id’: ‘YYYYYYYYYYY’, ‘project_dir’: ‘/data/dmitry/cryosparc/XXXX-dmitry/CS-xxx-xxxxx-dmitry’, ‘project_params_pdef’: {}, ‘project_stats’: {‘job_count’: 9, ‘job_sections’: {‘import’: 5, ‘particle_curation’: 4}, ‘job_status’: {‘building’: 1, ‘completed’: 8}, ‘job_types’: {‘class_2D’: 4, ‘import_particles’: 5}, ‘session_count’: 0, ‘updated_at’: ‘Mon, 09 Dec 2024 19:35:09 GMT’, ‘workspace_count’: 1}, ‘queue_paused’: False, ‘size’: 25758298, ‘size_last_updated’: ‘Wed, 24 Apr 2024 09:06:11 GMT’, ‘status’: ‘completed’, ‘title’: 'xxxx-dmitry’, ‘uid’: ‘P12’, ‘uid_num’: 12, ‘users_with_access’: [‘YYYYYYYYYYY’]}

Thank you.

Kind regards,

"I am facing a similar issue. The student created a project directory outside of CryoSPARC and deleted it a while ago. Now, I am having trouble removing the ‘ghost’ project. When I ran the following commands:

cryosparcm cli "take_over_project(project_uid='95')"
cryosparcm cli "set_job_status('P95', 'J96', 'killed')"

Neither command worked. The error message indicates: ‘Lock file for P95 not found at /path/P95/cs.lock’.

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By the way, I have found the solution from here (cryosparc discussion group).

This worked for me:
# access the CryoSPARC interactive cli console:
cryosparcm icli

# update job as failed (I assume):{'uid': 'J95', 'project_uid': 'P96'}, {'$set': {'status': 'failed'}})

# Delete Job only:{'uid': 'J95', 'project_uid': 'P96'}, {'$set': {'deleted': True}})

# Delete entire project:
db.projects.update_one({'uid': 'P96'}, {'$set': {'deleted': True}})

# Exit CryoSPARC interactive cli console

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thank you @Ravi.Thakkar369 , that helped.

Kind regards,

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