Relion_reconstruct command

Hi everyone,
After focused classification in relion, I used to run this relion command: mpirun -n 8 relion_reconstruct_mpi --i Select/jobXXX/ --ctf --angpix PixelSizeValue --o Select/jobXXX/volumeXXX.mrc to obtain a map from particles of a selected class .

However when I’m trying to use it in relion 5 I get this error: relion_reconstruct: command not found, did they get rid of the command in relion 5 or is there a new command? thank you

apologies for the non cryosparc question.

Still same in relion 5… I would double check your path

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As @olibclarke says, the command is still the same (I just set up six runs of it a minute ago) although the mpirun syntax is -np. :slight_smile:

thank you guys. My path was wrong.