Reference motion correction not buildable from cart

Dear cryoSPARC dev team,

I observed the following behavior while building the job Reference Based Motion Correction:

When putting the minimal input:

  • Particles
  • Volume
  • Exposures

into the cart, no suitable job is available. I have to select the job from All and can queue the job. As these three inputs (so without Hyperparameters and Mask) are valid and sufficient inputs for this job, there might be a bug/misconfiguration here.


Edit: we’re running cryoSPARC v4.4.1+240110

Hi @ctueting ,

Thank you for reporting. We’re investigating the cause of this issue.

- Suhail

@ctueting We identified the problem and planning to include a fix in a future software release.

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Hi @ctueting, thanks again for reporting. We’ve fixed this in the latest CryoSPARC v4.5, released May 7 2024.