Yes, the web browser is running on the same computer on which you installed and are running cryosparc_master software. Also, please provide me the information on forwarding port 39000 of the computer on which my computer browser is running to the computer on which we installed and are running cryosparc_master software using SSH.
An example for local port forwarding is given in the guide.
This example does not apply if cryosparc_master software and the web browser run on the same computer.
Please can you post the following information:
a screenshot of your browser window, including the address bar
the type of web browser you use
outputs of the commands
host localhost
cryosparcm status | grep -v LICENSE
uname -a
ss -ap | grep 3900[02-7]
I managed to run the web interface of cryoSPARC using 39000 port, though you can find the output of the commands discussed in the previous log sequentially in the attached snapshots one by one.
output of the host localhost and cryosparcm status | grep -v LICENSE
It is possible that the previous shutdown was incomplete. You may want to try an extended shutdown procedure that includes confirmation that all relevant Linux processes have been terminated, as described here.
After completion of that procedure, please try again
As App is exited, I checked for all the PIDs running in the background, and restarted the cryosparc again. Now, app in running and web interface is also running. Moreover, I am also able to run the web interface in remote mode.
@wtempel Hi,
I am using crypsparc web interface through SSH from admin machine where cryosparc master node is installed. I have an account as other user in web interface of cryosparc. Whille making an project workspace and providing path to data (container directory) I got the following error:
Missing write permissions for project container directory /data1/shashi/cryodrgn
The Linux user that owns the CryoSPARC processes will need write access to the container directory. The specific commands for the needed adjustment must strike the right balance between cybersecurity and convenience. Please see this discussion and ask your IT support for help.