Patch Motion Correction Job Failed: Child process with PID 5046 has terminated unexpectedly!

I got this error upon starting patch motion correction job after 61 movies were successfully imported:

License is valid.

Launching job on lane default target Cryo1 ...

Running job on master node hostname Cryo1

[CPU: 79.9 MB]   Project P9 Job J3 Started

[CPU: 79.9 MB]   Master running v3.3.1, worker running v3.3.1

[CPU: 80.3 MB]   Running on lane default

[CPU: 80.3 MB]   Resources allocated: 

[CPU: 80.3 MB]     Worker:  Cryo1

[CPU: 80.3 MB]     CPU   :  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

[CPU: 80.3 MB]     GPU   :  [0]

[CPU: 80.3 MB]     RAM   :  [0, 1]

[CPU: 80.3 MB]     SSD   :  False

[CPU: 80.3 MB]   --------------------------------------------------------------

[CPU: 80.3 MB]   Importing job module for job type patch_motion_correction_multi...

[CPU: 244.2 MB]  Job ready to run

[CPU: 244.3 MB]  ***************************************************************

[CPU: 245.2 MB]  Job will process this many movies:  60

[CPU: 245.4 MB]  parent process is 4988

[CPU: 169.5 MB]  Calling CUDA init from 5046

[CPU: 246.0 MB]  Outputting partial results now...

[CPU: 246.0 MB]  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "cryosparc_worker/cryosparc_compute/", line 85, in
  File "cryosparc_worker/cryosparc_compute/jobs/motioncorrection/", line 402, in
AssertionError: Child process with PID 5046 has terminated unexpectedly!

Not sure where to go from here. Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks!

@ianyen12 Welcome to the forum. Please can you post the output of this command:
cryosparcm joblog P9 J3

@wtempel I managed to figure out the issue. It was a hardware GPU issue and I just had to install the Nvidia CUDA toolkit to proceed with processing.