Release notes
- In Global CTF Refinement, throw a warning if the spherical aberration refines to a nonpositive value.
- In 3D Classification, add "Force re-do FSC split” parameter that forces re-splitting the particles into half-set splits from scratch. Disabling this allows for preserving the input splits, for particles from previous helical refinements, symmetry expansions, or local refinements.
- Fixed a problem in 2D classification where many classes would be blank or very faint if multiple GPUs were used.
- Fixed issues when running multiple jobs using the same SSD cache space.
- Fixed 3DFSC crashing due to list index out of range error.
- In 3D Classification, removed extraneous
entry inparticles_all_classes
dataset output which caused to assign all particles to a single class.
See installation instructions here (CryoSPARC v4.2.0 required):