No merging tool available?


I plan to merge two data sets (e.g., selected 2D classes) together. But I did not find a tool for this. I did find discussions about how to combine tow data sets. However, the Import Particles in Job Builder allows only one data set to be imported. The version of CryoSPARC is 3.2.0. Did I miss the tool?


Hi, @GuobinHu9 There is a tool called Particle Sets Tool in utilities panel which can help you merge more than 2 data sets from different jobs.

Thanks Verdandy! I tired and found it seems to only work within the same project. I could not selected particles from another project. Is there a way to merge two and more sets of particles from different projects?


You can export particles from one cryosparc project to another by exporting a particle result group of a job (e.g., particles from “Select2D” job) then importing the exported result group (Guide: Data Management in cryoSPARC - CryoSPARC Guide) into the new project via “Import Result Group” job.


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