New case study: DkTx-bound TRPV1 (EMPIAR-10059)

Hello CryoSPARC users! Today we added a new case study to the CryoSPARC guide, focused on processing images of DkTx-bound TRPV1 (from EMPIAR-10059). We expect this case study to be most helpful for users who are relatively new to cryo-EM, as it provides a deeper discussion and explanation of decisions made during preprocessing and particle curation steps. The case study also explores the difference between a global and local refinement, and when one might want to switch to local refinements.

At the end of the case study there are two exercises presented as challenges for the reader. We encourage anyone working through this case study to try to solve them on their own to cement their understandings of the topic before revealing the included explanation of how we approached the challenges.

This case study presents the same data as and follows a similar exploratory path to the TRPV1 S2C2 workshop recording, but includes more detail in some areas which were cut from the workshop for time.