Need help understanding patch ctf estimation output files

CTF patch estimation for a micrograph outputs three files

  1. ctf_spline.npy (shape 1,5,5)
  2. ctf_diag_plt.npy
  3. ctf_diag_2D.mrc (shape 768,768,1)

I would like to compute df1 and df2 for a certain coordinate of the micrograph (e.g. 500,500)
Could you help me understand how to do that?

Thanks in advance,

Hi @azamanos! I think the easiest way to do this would be to use cryosparc-tools to generate a dataset which has a particle in the position(s) you desire on the micrograph(s) you want to inspect, then use Patch CTF Extraction to calculate the CTF at those positions.