Motion Correction

Hi All

Have a bit of a puzzler that I need some help with figuring out. We have a Glacios system with a Falcon 4i running serialEM. When we collect the data as a MRC file the motion correction in cryosparc live shows significant drift in the data and I can only get it to align if I remove the last 11 frames of the 35 frame movie. However, motioncor2 or unblur can correct the data without any additional modification of the data. Anyone know why this might be or what other items we should tweak? Thanks for any help.


Hi @hansenbry,

While I can’t be totally sure that this will resolve your problem, you could try turning on “Allow Variable Dose” in patch motion correction. If the frames do have variable dose (which could cause symptoms like what you describe), this will allow PMC to estimate the dose per-frame and adapt the motion estimation accordingly.


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