Motion Correction guide pages updated

Hello CryoSPARC users!

During imaging in the microscope, a cryo-EM sample is irradiated by the electron beam for typically between one and ten seconds. During this time, the sample does not remain perfectly still. Drift of the stage, vibration of the microscope, and deformation of the sample ice all contribute to motion of the particles. Motion Correction methods correct the blur caused by this motion, and are typically the first step in any cryo-EM processing pipeline.

We have updated all of the motion correction job pages (Patch Motion Correction, Full-Frame Motion Correction, Local Motion Correction, and the MotionCor2 wrapper) to standardize their layout and clarify the effect of changing various parameters. The job pages also provide more insight into how the algorithms themselves work.

Additionally, we have added an overview page (Motion Correction) which explains why motion correction is important, the differences between the various jobs and when each is appropriate, and the motivation behind dose weighting during motion correction.

We hope these updates serve both as a helpful introduction to what is many users’ first CryoSPARC job and as a useful reference for all users.