Mobile Cellphone Functionality

I tried searching and couldn’t mind anyone else who mentioned this, maybe I’m alone wanting this. But I think it could be useful to be able to open jobs and create jobs from a mobile device. Right now you need to press spacebar to enter a job, and on a mobile device the keyboard doesn’t popup so there’s no way to look at a job. If you start a job on a cellphone with ‘clone’ then the job window is open and works fine.

Also if we could start a job from a cellphone it could be nice, since right now there is the drag feature from open jobs it’s not possible for a cellphone interface. These can be useful when cryosparc is running on a server and jobs can finish at any time with the ability to start a new job from anywhere.

Hey @gabejavitt,

Thanks for these awesome suggestions; we have added them to our future feature tracker!



@gabejavitt Can you tap the job number to open a job?

So I’ve been playing around with it a bit more. It seems like you can open a job from the project overview page where you see all the workbooks. There if you press a job it will bring you to the workbook with the job open. But the buttons are quite small and you have to know which job number you’re interested in. From inside the workbook I don’t think you can open a job.

@gabejavitt what about by clicking the job number for a job, inside the workspace? On Desktop, when you mouse over the job numbers in the workspace view, you see a little magnifying glass icon and you can open the job by clicking on the job number.

Oh you’re totally right, I never noticed that. Yes clicking on the job number also works for mobile devices. So really the only thing is the ability to start jobs with something instead of the drag feature which at least for my phone isn’t possible.