Micromamba crash issue during installation

@selefant1 You may want to try the following

  1. Navigate to the directory where you wish to install CryoSPARC
  2. Remove the cryosparc_master/ directory from a previous failed installation, if it exists.
  3. Extract cryosparc_master.tar.gz
  4. Then run
    conda deactivate # just in case
    PORTN=99999 # replace with actual port
    LICENSE_ID="xxxxx" # replace with actual license ID 
    env -i ./install.sh --license ${LICENSE_ID} --port ${PORTN} 2>&1 | tee install_master.out

If this does not work:

  1. Remove the cryosparc_master/ directory from the failed installation.
  2. Again extract cryosparc_master.tar.gz.
  3. From the lower half of the file
    remove the lines
    source ${CRYOSPARC_ROOT_DIR}/deps/anaconda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
    conda config --file "$conda_config_file" --set auto_update_conda False
    conda config --file "$conda_config_file" --set pip_interop_enabled True
    conda config --file "$conda_config_file" --set channel_priority flexible
  4. Run the commands
    conda deactivate # just in case
    PORTN=99999 # replace with actual port
    LICENSE_ID="xxxxx" # replace with actual license ID 
    env -i ./install.sh --license ${LICENSE_ID} --port ${PORTN} 2>&1 | tee install_master2.out

Any luck?
The purpose of the tee commands is to preserve the outputs for analysis in case neither approach works.