Metadata path .star file

I have 10000 2D images stack:mrcfile . how can I write the .star file for building the metadata? (new to cryosparc)

But if you download the .mrc particle stack form EMPIAR it can be imported directly to cryosparc.

The metadata for cryosparc (.cs) and RELION (.star) need conversion. Particles + .star metadata also work in other SPA programs.

I am trying to write the .star file on my own, using the following
with open(output_path, ‘w’) as star_file:
star_file.write(‘_rlnImageName #1\n’)

but this is throwing some errors.

which way are you trying to go ?

cryosparc => relion, etc


relion, etc => cryosparc ?

I read it as “I have particles but no metadata”, which is a question which has cropped up a couple of times recently. If such is the case, whether going further is possible is dependent on the user knowing a fair bit about the provenance of their data…

I have a fair idea about my data like the pixel size, exposure dose, particle diameter etc. I just want to run the 2D classification job on cryosparc for which I require a metadata star file

nothing to do with relion just want to run 2D classification job.

So where did the data come from? CryoSPARC? cisTEM? EMAN2? Warp? SPHIRE? IMAGIC? Spider? :wink: