Hi Ali,
I was wondering whether there would be a future functionality to select multiple datasets and subsets from these ?
I have a few datasets that I was testing, which resulted in very similar results and was hoping to merge them. Now, I can do it manually by merging star files etc, but I believe this as a future functionality would be very helpful 
Just thinking this through a bit - in principle, as long as the pixel size of the two datasets is the same, this should be okay? In practice if the datasets came from different samples (ice thickness differences) or different microscopes, that may cause trouble with classification and reconstruction.
This has been added to our feature tracker.
Hi Ali,
Of course, assuming everything is very similar. Sometimes this is the issue, so it would be an interesting addition.
Thanks for considering it.
One way of starting to address this would be “folders” for datasets, which could consolidate related datasets (for example from the same sample), and provide a better way to use masks and structures from one dataset for experiments in another. Users in our lab have also mentioned this just for decluttering their dataset pages.
Also note that you can currently trick cryosparc into doing some of this by going to the experiments page, with no selected dataset, and then carefully selecting things using the dataset links on that page. You can definitely get masks and structures across datasets this way - I even have specific datasets I populate with masks and references for this purpose. Not sure what happens if you select multiple particle sets this way (IIRC there is an error on file paths but I haven’t tried in a while).