Hi all,
Is there documentation about what the different columns in the refinement output .csv file mean? The ones starting with ctf_params and data_input make sense to me. I’m less sure about the data related to alignments. Can anyone help me fill in the gaps or suggest a resource? I read the paper and the supplement which answered some of my questions.
- alignments.model.E - image alignment error E(r,t) ?
- alignments.model.E_min_alpha - ?
- alignments.model.alpha - ?
- alignments.model.cross_cor - ?
- alignments.model.dr - ?
- alignments.model.dt - ?
- alignments.model.image_pow - ?
- alignments.model.phiC - related to pose variable?
- alignments.model.r.0 - angle phi?
- alignments.model.r.1 - angle theta?
- alignments.model.r.2 - angle psi?
- alignments.model.resid_pow - ?
- alignments.model.slice_pow - ?
- alignments.model.t.0 - translational parameter x?
- alignments.model.t.1 - translational parameter y?