Maximize job window, lose window controls

I’m new to cryoSAPRC but encountered a cosmetic issue that a brief search here didn’t how up. I accidentally maximized a job pane (maximize is next to close, it was late, I was tired…) and couldn’t un-maximize it. Turns out the pane was expanded to the full browser window but displayed underneath the top menu (cryoSPARC/Project/Work/etc) and right-hand side pane (Details/Job Builder) so that the close/maximize controls weren’t visible, nor the job’s Overview/Inputs&Parameters/etc menu. However, I found by chance that the job pane’s invisible menu and window controls were “live” and by clicking blindly in the right places I could activate them, including un-maximizing the window. Restarting the web interface didn’t help as the job display state must be saved somewhere. I’m using Mac OSX 10.14.6, Safari 13.1.2, cryoSPARC v2.15.0. I just tried with Firefox 80.0.1 - the job pane goes full-window on top of everything else, so that works properly.

Yes, this has been an issue for years, and in general there are a number of glitches in non-Chrome browsers. If in doubt, try chrome to see if it resolves the issue. Hopefully better cross-browser support will come in the future!
