Making use of unused particles from ab initio

Ab initio reconstruction, when the number of classes is set to 1, will not necessarily use all particles to reconstruct, and put the rest to a separate output group. When one builds Homogeneous/NU refinement from the job using the quick actions menu, the default particle group connected to the new job is “Particles class 0”, which means that the unused particles can be overlooked when you build the job hastily.
Would it make sense to change this behavior and connect the “All particles” output in these cases instead?

in fact, you would have to use all particles AND unused particles, because all particles refers to summary of particles in each class. I agree, it would seem reasonable to default to all particles with a toggle for “fast job using optimal subset”. Or have “num particles to use” be both a lower limit and an upper limit (not just an upper limit) such that you could set a blueprint with a billion and force it to use all particles. And would LOVE someday to be able to personalize QuickTools with our own desired jobs including Blueprints.

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Same. Pretty sure I (and others) have requested a “custom” menu in the right click options before… hope they’re working on it.

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Hi all,

In CryoSPARC v4.6, unused particles will be connected when building a Homogeneous Refinement, Non-uniform Refinement or Heterogeneous Refinement from a quick action on Ab-inito.

- Suhail

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