Local refinement (new) error

Ah very good, glad to hear it!

Glad this solved the problem! @olibclarke could you elaborate on how you noticed the nan scales?

They were listed in the log… unfortunately I have deleted the relevant job (cleared and rerun) but I will take note if I see it again!

I wonder if scales refine to nan values if they should be reset to 1, maybe this would improve stability?

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Ok great, thanks! Just to confirm, was the mean in the scale histogram showing as nan?

We’ll definitely (at least) output a warning and set scales to 1 as you suggest.

I think so, but I can’t recall exactly - I just remember noting nan values listed in the log - will keep an eye out and let you know if I see it again! in our case the issues was scales being refined during local refinement, so maybe not surprising that they went a bit bananas, I wouldn’t expect the same thing to happen during 3D classification, but seems like it can…