It turns out that the sister computer (identical spect in Jeff Lee’s lab) did have similar problems with the computer shutting off. Right now they have things working with
- CUDA 10.2
- NVIDIA 440.31
- CryoSparc 2.13.2
I did some testing of jobs:
Driver Version: 410.48.
Cuda V10.0.130.
CryoSparc: v2.12.4
I could run Import Movies (72 movies)
And then with 1 movie I could run
Full-frame motion, CTF Estimation, Patch motion, Patch CTF, Blob picker, extract_micrographs (GPU and CPU), Ab-Initio
I ran two Ab-Initios at the same time (SSD and no SSD caching) and the one with no SSD caching failed at Iteration 200 with ====== Job process terminated abnormally.
A refinement failed during -- Iteration 0
-- DEV 0 THR 0 NUM 103 TOTAL 0.1339330 ELAPSED 1.1286489 --
Processed 205.000 images in 1.858s.
Computing FSCs...
Job is unresponsive - no heartbeat received in 30 seconds.
The job log of the ab initio that worked:
owner@owner-System-Product-Name:/run/media/owner/gw/P28$ more J33/job.log
================= CRYOSPARCW ======= 2020-02-14 08:40:40.158212 =========
Project P3 Job J33
Master owner-System-Product-Name Port 39002
========= monitor process now starting main process
========= monitor process now waiting for main process
Running job J33 of type homo_abinit
Running job on hostname %s owner-System-Product-Name
Allocated Resources : {u'lane': u'default', u'target': {u'monitor_port': None, u'lane': u'default', u'name': u
'owner-System-Product-Name', u'title': u'Worker node owner-System-Product-Name', u'resource_slots': {u'GPU': [0
, 1], u'RAM': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], u'CPU': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]}, u'hostname': u'owner-System-Product-Name', u'worker_bin_path': u'/home/owner/cryospar
c2a/cryosparc2_worker/bin/cryosparcw', u'cache_path': u'/home/owner/cryosparc2a/', u'cache_quota_mb': None, u'r
esource_fixed': {u'SSD': True}, u'cache_reserve_mb': 10000, u'type': u'node', u'ssh_str': u'owner@owner-System-
Product-Name', u'desc': None}, u'license': True, u'hostname': u'owner-System-Product-Name', u'slots': {u'GPU':
[0], u'RAM': [0], u'CPU': [0, 1]}, u'fixed': {u'SSD': True}, u'lane_type': u'default', u'licenses_acquired': 1}
cryosparc2_compute/jobs/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in float_scalars
run_old(*args, **kw)
cryosparc2_compute/jobs/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
run_old(*args, **kw)
cryosparc2_compute/jobs/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in float_scalars
run_old(*args, **kw)
cryosparc2_compute/jobs/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
run_old(*args, **kw)
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
/home/owner/cryosparc2a/cryosparc2_worker/deps/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ R
untimeWarning: More than 20 figures have been opened. Figures created through the pyplot interface (`matplotlib
.pyplot.figure`) are retained until explicitly closed and may consume too much memory. (To control this warning
, see the rcParam `figure.max_open_warning`).
max_open_warning, RuntimeWarning)
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= main process now complete.
========= monitor process now complete.
The one that didn’t work
owner@owner-System-Product-Name:/run/media/owner/gw/P28$ more J34/job.log
================= CRYOSPARCW ======= 2020-02-14 08:41:11.079270 =========
Project P3 Job J34
Master owner-System-Product-Name Port 39002
========= monitor process now starting main process
========= monitor process now waiting for main process
Running job J34 of type homo_abinit
Running job on hostname %s owner-System-Product-Name
Allocated Resources : {u'lane': u'default', u'target': {u'monitor_port': None, u'lane': u'default', u'name': u
'owner-System-Product-Name', u'title': u'Worker node owner-System-Product-Name', u'resource_slots': {u'GPU': [0
, 1], u'RAM': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], u'CPU': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]}, u'hostname': u'owner-System-Product-Name', u'worker_bin_path': u'/home/owner/cryospar
c2a/cryosparc2_worker/bin/cryosparcw', u'cache_path': u'/home/owner/cryosparc2a/', u'cache_quota_mb': None, u'r
esource_fixed': {u'SSD': True}, u'cache_reserve_mb': 10000, u'type': u'node', u'ssh_str': u'owner@owner-System-
Product-Name', u'desc': None}, u'license': True, u'hostname': u'owner-System-Product-Name', u'slots': {u'GPU':
[1], u'RAM': [1], u'CPU': [2, 3]}, u'fixed': {u'SSD': True}, u'lane_type': u'default', u'licenses_acquired': 1}
cryosparc2_compute/jobs/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in float_scalars
run_old(*args, **kw)
cryosparc2_compute/jobs/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
run_old(*args, **kw)
cryosparc2_compute/jobs/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in float_scalars
run_old(*args, **kw)
cryosparc2_compute/jobs/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
run_old(*args, **kw)
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
malloc(): memory corruption
malloc(): memory corruption
========= main process now complete.
========= monitor process now complete.
Then I updated the NVIDIA driver to the most recent one (440.59).
I kept CUDA 10.0
cryoSPARC 2.12.4
Full-frame motion (1 movie) completed but I could not get Ab initio to run. The job logs didn’t show anything, as if the computer restarted while everything was working fine
owner@owner-System-Product-Name:/run/media/owner/gw/P28$ more J45/job.log
================= CRYOSPARCW ======= 2020-02-14 10:44:34.059865 =========
Project P3 Job J45
Master owner-System-Product-Name Port 39002
========= monitor process now starting main process
========= monitor process now waiting for main process
Running job J45 of type homo_abinit
Running job on hostname %s owner-System-Product-Name
Allocated Resources : {u'lane': u'default', u'target': {u'monitor_port': None, u'lane': u'default', u'name': u
'owner-System-Product-Name', u'title': u'Worker node owner-System-Product-Name', u'resource_slots': {u'GPU': [0
, 1], u'RAM': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], u'CPU': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]}, u'hostname': u'owner-System-Product-Name', u'worker_bin_path': u'/home/owner/cryospar
c2a/cryosparc2_worker/bin/cryosparcw', u'cache_path': u'/home/owner/cryosparc2a/', u'cache_quota_mb': None, u'r
esource_fixed': {u'SSD': True}, u'cache_reserve_mb': 10000, u'type': u'node', u'ssh_str': u'owner@owner-System-
Product-Name', u'desc': None}, u'license': True, u'hostname': u'owner-System-Product-Name', u'slots': {u'GPU':
[0], u'RAM': [0], u'CPU': [0, 1]}, u'fixed': {u'SSD': True}, u'lane_type': u'default', u'licenses_acquired': 1}
cryosparc2_compute/jobs/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in float_scalars
run_old(*args, **kw)
cryosparc2_compute/jobs/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
run_old(*args, **kw)
cryosparc2_compute/jobs/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in float_scalars
run_old(*args, **kw)
cryosparc2_compute/jobs/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
run_old(*args, **kw)
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
========= sending heartbeat
Then I updated to CUDA 10.2.
So now the driver is the most recent 440.59,
but there is still an older version of cryoSPARC v2.12
This didn’t change anything from CUDA 10.0. I could get Full-frame motion to complete, but not Ab-Initio. The computer rebooted in iteration 0. I think there was not even time to update the job.log since it seems truncated at
owner@owner-System-Product-Name:/run/media/owner/gw/P28$ more J47/job.log
================= CRYOSPARCW ======= 2020-02-14 11:11:24.754086 =========
Project P3 Job J47
Master owner-System-Product-Name Port 39002
========= monitor process now starting main process
========= monitor process now waiting for main process
I then updated cryoSPARC to v 2.13.2. So now
CUDA 10.2
I can complete Full-frame motion, Patch CTF, Blob picker, extract_micrographs (light load of just 1 exposure). However I’m getting some informative errors in Ab-Initio, 2D Class and Refinement
Ab initio
owner@owner-System-Product-Name:/run/media/owner/gw/P28$ more J49/job.log
================= CRYOSPARCW ======= 2020-02-14 11:28:15.311179 =========
Project P3 Job J49
Master owner-System-Product-Name Port 39002
========= monitor process now starting main process
========= monitor process now waiting for main process
/home/owner/cryosparc2a/cryosparc2_worker/deps/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/skcuda/ UserW
arning: creating CUBLAS context to get version number
warnings.warn('creating CUBLAS context to get version number')
Running job J49 of type homo_abinit
Running job on hostname %s owner-System-Product-Name
Allocated Resources : {u'lane': u'default', u'target': {u'monitor_port': None, u'lane': u'default', u'name': u
'owner-System-Product-Name', u'title': u'Worker node owner-System-Product-Name', u'resource_slots': {u'GPU': [0
, 1], u'RAM': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], u'CPU': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]}, u'hostname': u'owner-System-Product-Name', u'worker_bin_path': u'/home/owner/cryospar
c2a/cryosparc2_worker/bin/cryosparcw', u'cache_path': u'/home/owner/cryosparc2a/', u'cache_quota_mb': None, u'r
esource_fixed': {u'SSD': True}, u'gpus': [{u'mem': 11554717696, u'id': 0, u'name': u'GeForce RTX 2080 Ti'}, {u'
mem': 11551440896, u'id': 1, u'name': u'GeForce RTX 2080 Ti'}], u'cache_reserve_mb': 10000, u'type': u'node', u
'ssh_str': u'owner@owner-System-Product-Name', u'desc': None}, u'license': True, u'hostname': u'owner-System-Pr
oduct-Name', u'slots': {u'GPU': [0], u'RAM': [0], u'CPU': [0, 1]}, u'fixed': {u'SSD': True}, u'lane_type': u'de
fault', u'licenses_acquired': 1}
**custom thread exception hook caught something
**** handle exception rc
set status to failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "cryosparc2_compute/jobs/", line 1547, in run_with_except_hook
run_old(*args, **kw)
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 110, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.cuda_
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 111, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.cuda_
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 991, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.engine.p
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 101, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.engine.E
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 1803, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.c
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 362, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.cuda_
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 1707, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.c
File "/home/owner/cryosparc2a/cryosparc2_worker/deps/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycuda/"
, line 294, in __init__
self.module = module_from_buffer(cubin)
pycuda._driver.LogicError: cuModuleLoadDataEx failed: device kernel image is invalid - error : Binary format
for key='0', ident='' is not recognized
========= main process now complete.
========= monitor process now complete.
2D Class
owner@owner-System-Product-Name:/run/media/owner/gw/P28$ more J54/job.log
================= CRYOSPARCW ======= 2020-02-14 11:32:04.829898 =========
Project P3 Job J54
Master owner-System-Product-Name Port 39002
========= monitor process now starting main process
========= monitor process now waiting for main process
/home/owner/cryosparc2a/cryosparc2_worker/deps/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/skcuda/ UserW
arning: creating CUBLAS context to get version number
warnings.warn('creating CUBLAS context to get version number')
Running job J54 of type class_2D
Running job on hostname %s owner-System-Product-Name
Allocated Resources : {u'lane': u'default', u'target': {u'monitor_port': None, u'lane': u'default', u'name': u
'owner-System-Product-Name', u'title': u'Worker node owner-System-Product-Name', u'resource_slots': {u'GPU': [0
, 1], u'RAM': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], u'CPU': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]}, u'hostname': u'owner-System-Product-Name', u'worker_bin_path': u'/home/owner/cryospar
c2a/cryosparc2_worker/bin/cryosparcw', u'cache_path': u'/home/owner/cryosparc2a/', u'cache_quota_mb': None, u'r
esource_fixed': {u'SSD': True}, u'gpus': [{u'mem': 11554717696, u'id': 0, u'name': u'GeForce RTX 2080 Ti'}, {u'
mem': 11551440896, u'id': 1, u'name': u'GeForce RTX 2080 Ti'}], u'cache_reserve_mb': 10000, u'type': u'node', u
'ssh_str': u'owner@owner-System-Product-Name', u'desc': None}, u'license': True, u'hostname': u'owner-System-Pr
oduct-Name', u'slots': {u'GPU': [0], u'RAM': [0, 1, 2], u'CPU': [0, 1]}, u'fixed': {u'SSD': True}, u'lane_type'
: u'default', u'licenses_acquired': 1}
**custom thread exception hook caught something
**** handle exception rc
set status to failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "cryosparc2_compute/jobs/", line 1547, in run_with_except_hook
run_old(*args, **kw)
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 110, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.cuda_
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 111, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.cuda_
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 991, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.engine.p
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 101, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.engine.E
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 1803, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.c
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 362, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.cuda_
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 1707, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.c
File "/home/owner/cryosparc2a/cryosparc2_worker/deps/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycuda/"
, line 294, in __init__
self.module = module_from_buffer(cubin)
pycuda._driver.LogicError: cuModuleLoadDataEx failed: device kernel image is invalid - error : Binary format
for key='0', ident='' is not recognized
========= main process now complete.
========= monitor process now complete.
owner@owner-System-Product-Name:/run/media/owner/gw/P28$ more J55/job.log
================= CRYOSPARCW ======= 2020-02-14 11:56:22.342156 =========
Project P3 Job J55
Master owner-System-Product-Name Port 39002
========= monitor process now starting main process
========= monitor process now waiting for main process
/home/owner/cryosparc2a/cryosparc2_worker/deps/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/skcuda/ UserW
arning: creating CUBLAS context to get version number
warnings.warn('creating CUBLAS context to get version number')
========= sending heartbeat
Running job J55 of type homo_refine
Running job on hostname %s owner-System-Product-Name
Allocated Resources : {u'lane': u'default', u'target': {u'monitor_port': None, u'lane': u'default', u'name': u
'owner-System-Product-Name', u'title': u'Worker node owner-System-Product-Name', u'resource_slots': {u'GPU': [0
, 1], u'RAM': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], u'CPU': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]}, u'hostname': u'owner-System-Product-Name', u'worker_bin_path': u'/home/owner/cryospar
c2a/cryosparc2_worker/bin/cryosparcw', u'cache_path': u'/home/owner/cryosparc2a/', u'cache_quota_mb': None, u'r
esource_fixed': {u'SSD': True}, u'gpus': [{u'mem': 11554717696, u'id': 0, u'name': u'GeForce RTX 2080 Ti'}, {u'
mem': 11551440896, u'id': 1, u'name': u'GeForce RTX 2080 Ti'}], u'cache_reserve_mb': 10000, u'type': u'node', u
'ssh_str': u'owner@owner-System-Product-Name', u'desc': None}, u'license': True, u'hostname': u'owner-System-Pr
oduct-Name', u'slots': {u'GPU': [0], u'RAM': [0, 1, 2], u'CPU': [0, 1, 2, 3]}, u'fixed': {u'SSD': True}, u'lane
_type': u'default', u'licenses_acquired': 1}
**custom thread exception hook caught something
**** handle exception rc
set status to failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "cryosparc2_compute/jobs/", line 1547, in run_with_except_hook
run_old(*args, **kw)
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 110, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.cuda_
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 111, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.cuda_
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 991, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.engine.p
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 101, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.engine.E
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 1803, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.c
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 362, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.cuda_
File "cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/engine/", line 1707, in cryosparc2_compute.engine.c
File "/home/owner/cryosparc2a/cryosparc2_worker/deps/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycuda/"
, line 294, in __init__
self.module = module_from_buffer(cubin)
pycuda._driver.LogicError: cuModuleLoadDataEx failed: device kernel image is invalid - error : Binary format
for key='0', ident='' is not recognized
========= main process now complete.
========= monitor process now complete.