Keep parameters, statistics results etc after deleting the job

Hi Cryosparc team,

Is there way to choose what to keep after deleting the job? For example, I’d like to keep 2D images and delete all other things of a 2D classification job; or keep all custom parameters of a job and delete all other things. I’d like to use Cryosparc as data processing notebook meanwhile delete all intermediate results to save space after the project finished.

I am not very sure about the first query, haven’t tried it yet, but I will try answering the next two queries to the best of my experience so far in Cryosparc.

Saving custom parameters: Once you have run a job using your custom parameters, right click on the job, click on create blueprint. Save this blueprint with a custom title (For eg: 2D class 100class w/o forcemax) and a description (optional). Next time you build a new job (eg 2D class), this new custom job will show under the 2D class job in the new job window. Alternatively, you can build a 2D class job (eg you are building from extract micrographs, right click on the 2D class job, you will see your custom blueprint under the blueprints section (See picture attached)

Creating a custom workflow: If you are going to use the same job steps for multiple projects/or in a single project, you can select the already run jobs, and rightclick on any of them to create a workflow. The custom parameters and the job workflow will be visible on the sceen. Save the workflow with a custom name, and next time you can use it anywhere in your cryosparc installation instance. You can apply the workflow by clicking the parent job and then selecting the workflow from the upper right corner of the screen. (See picture attached)

I hope I was able to answer your queries, any other suggestions are very much appreciated!

Thank you for your suggestions. What I’m looking for is to find a way to document what I have done for a project. For example, I will delete all intermediate jobs but the program can save all job titles along with parameters (even those trial jobs), and connections between jobs. I may not use these parameters or workflows in future, but I will be able to know how I did the processing when I want to revisit the project. Additional feature will be great like: I can choose to keep 2D images or statistic plots after deleting the jobs. This will be like my data processing notebook without spending additional time to write a separate notebook, meanwhile I can delete all large files and save space.

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Thanks @parrot. We noted your suggestion.