Issue in Topaz 2D classification


I have done Topaz extract on 5 batches of micrographs, And then I ran particle extract job. Now, when I run 2D classification job, I get this error:
AssertionError: Non-optional inputs from the following input groups and their slots are not connected: particles.ctf. Please connect all required inputs.

I also tried to make one particle stack from all of them and run the job again, still got the same results, Ab-initio reconstruction also fails with these inputs, is there anything that I am doing wrong?

Hi Freza,

It sounds link you either did not do CTF determination or gave the micrographs before CTF determination as input for your particle extraction. Try running patch CTF, if you have not done so already, and give those micrographs as input along with the Topaz-picked particles for the particle extraction job.


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Hi Freza,

In addition to Bill’s advice, make sure to run an ‘Extract from Micrographs’ job after your ‘Topaz Extract’ job.


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Thank you! It was solved. I had done train on the motion corrected micrographs.

Thank you! It was solved. I had done train on the motion corrected micrographs. I used CTF ones and it solved.

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