Inspect picks should not require pick_stats


When I try to use the Inspect Picks job with particles imported from an external picking job, I get an error saying that pick_stats is a non-optional input.

Would it be possible to make it optional? If I have imported picks from e.g. crYOLO, I want to check in cryoSPARC to make sure that everything is imported correctly and that the coordinates match up as expected - I don’t need the pick stats and they shouldn’t be necessary just to view particles on a micrograph.



I agree with this.


+1 from me also. I think Manual Picking would also work, except that the micrographs you see aren’t likely to be the ones from the particles. (If you are linking them with an original CTF estimation job with the entire dataset, for example).

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+1 from me too.

Having the same issue with inspect picks with recently imported after picking with crYOLO. Frustrating, as I am suspicious that some mis-alignment is ocurring due to bad particles.


A (belated) thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We plan to address this issue in an update.
Currently, there are some alternatives (Thank you @DanielAsarnow):
For example:


As of July 2022 and cryoSPARC version 3.3.2, Manual Picker limits browsing to 100 exposures. A subset of 100 or fewer exposures for connection to Manual Picker can be generated with a Manually Curate Exposures job.