Inspect Pick: select only micrographs with > minimum of particles

Is this possible to pick only micrographs that have more than a minimum number of particles? In my case, less than a certain number is a false positive basically.

That’s in the new cryosparc 4. The interface is very confusing to me compared to previously.

Yes, you can set this using the thresholds tab.

Hi Oli, do you mind to screenshot the tab? I cannot find the tab at all :frowning: So not even CTF or anything.

Ah I see the issue maybe - you want to do this in Curate Exposures, not Inspect Picks

E.g. here - all the different parameters can be expanded in the thresholds tab, and you can set thresholds for each one

That is so strange. This is mine when I tried to inspect the Topaz extract job :frowning: Still didn’t see the Threshold tab

Wonder what sort of problem is this.

This is Inspect Picks - wrong job type - you want to use Curate Exposures

Inspect Picks is just for inspecting the picks, and adjusting the NCC & local power thresholds - if you want to select micrographs, you want to use Curate Exposures

Yes, I’m stupid :frowning: Thanks a lot.