Import results group

Since v4.5.3 I’m having trouble importing a results group with a prepared Topaz model. In the changelog there’s an entry “Import Result Group no longer fails to import exposures when some paths are missing.” so I wonder if another bug might have been introduced with that fix?

Unable to find /home/user/Projects/2024-06-12/imports/J128_topaz_train/J128_topaz_model/J128/preprocessed (from J128_topaz_model_exported.cs > preprocess/processed_mics)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "cryosparc_master/cryosparc_compute/", line 115, in
  File "/opt/cryosparc/cryosparc_master/cryosparc_compute/jobs/imports/", line 1369, in run_import_result_group
    assert missing_paths == 0, (
AssertionError: Unable to find 1 file(s) referred to in dataset J128_topaz_model_exported.cs, field preprocess/processed_mics. Affected files are listed above.

The directory indicated definitely exists, contains the preprocessed mics, and cryosparc has the necessary permissions.

Update - I downgraded to v4.5.1 and it fixed the issue, so looks like my supposition above is correct.

Thanks @DanielAsarnow for reporting this issue. We plan to fix it in a future software update.

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I also encounter this problem. The “Import Result Group” job cannot import topaz model, but the micrograph denoiser model can be imported correctly. It seems there is bug related to the field preprocess/processed_mics.

@DanielAsarnow @morganfuture Patch 240807 for CryoSPARC v4.5.3 includes a fix for this issue.

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thanks.It worked after applying the latest patch.


Same! Thanks everyone!

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