Import job not working

I am trying to import a 2D classes selection from one project to another. I used the following:
tar -cvhf P2_J42_patch_ctf.tar ~/cryosparc/projects/P3/exports/P2_J42_patch_ctf
mkdir -p ~/cryosparc/projects/P4/imports
tar -xvf P2_J42_patch_ctf.tar -C ~/cryosparc/projects/P4/imports
but still when I am trying to import it is saying that the job to import is not in imports directory. could anyone please help with this

What are the outputs of these commands

find ~/cryosparc/projects/P4/imports -ls
cryosparcm cli "get_project_dir_abs('P4')"
cryosparcm filterlog command_core -f import_job
