Hi @GeneF,
Deleting CryoSPARC files can definitely cause issues with the system and cause errors that need to be manually fixed.
Could you please try the following:
- Set projects to deleted manually for each project where the project folder was deleted
cryosparcm icli
db.projects.update_one({'uid':'P1'}, {'$set': {'deleted':True}})
- Set jobs to killed status manually for each job where the cluster id was set to “submitted”
cryosparcm icli
# do this for each problematic job
db.jobs.update_one({'project_uid': 'P1', 'uid':'J1'}, {'$set': {'status':'killed'}})
# or to update all of them at once
db.jobs.update_many({'cluster_job_id': 'submitted.'}, {'$set': {'status':'killed'}})
For future use, projects in CryoSPARC should be deleted in the webapp or with cryosparcm cli "delete_project()"
before the project folder is deleted.