I am encountering an error while performing 3D Variability

For an explanation why io_uring may still not be supported, please see Io_uring enabling - #10 by hsnyder.

Please can you post the outputs of these commands

  1. on the CryoSPARC master
    csprojectid=P99 # replace with actual project ID
    csjobid=J199 # replace with id of the failed job
    cryosparcm cli "get_job('$csprojectid', '$csjobid', 'job_type', 'version', 'instance_information', 'status',  'params_spec', 'errors_run')"
  2. on the CryoSPARC worker where the job ran and failed
    uname -a 
    /home/cryosparc_user/cryosparc_worker/bin/cryosparcw gpulist