I have an original stack and a corresponding star file. After particle selection (using Cryosieve externally), I obtained a star file containing a subset of particles from the original stack. I want to analyze this smaller subset of particles using CryoDRGN, but CryoDRGN requires the star file and the mrcs file to have the same length.
Does CryoSPARC support an operation where, given a stack of 40,000 particles and a star file of 10,000 particles (a subset in this 40,000 particles), it can export a stack of 10,000 particles and a star file containing the same corresponding 10,000 particles?
I tried using the “restack” function, but its output does not include particle angles or CTF parameters. I want to retain all the information (including angles and CTF parameters) for the selected 10,000 particles from the original star file and obtain an mrcs file of matching length for these 10,000 particles.
How can I achieve this?
Thank you!