I haven’t had reports of this error in a while, but here’s the output from a job I was able to find that exhibited this error:
cryosparcm cli “get_job(‘P825’, ‘J46’, ‘job_type’, ‘version’, ‘instance_information’, ‘status’, ‘params_spec’, ‘errors_run’)”
{‘_id’: ‘6658eb9a68790124e2702a6a’, ‘errors_run’: [{‘message’: ‘[CUresult.CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE] Call to cuMemHostAlloc results in CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE’, ‘warning’: False}], ‘instance_information’: {‘CUDA_version’: ‘11.8’, ‘available_memory’: ‘218.91GB’, ‘cpu_model’: ‘Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248R CPU @ 3.00GHz’, ‘driver_version’: ‘12.2’, ‘gpu_info’: [{‘id’: 0, ‘mem’: 25425608704, ‘name’: ‘NVIDIA RTX A5000’, ‘pcie’: ‘0000:1a:00’}, {‘id’: 1, ‘mem’: 25425608704, ‘name’: ‘NVIDIA RTX A5000’, ‘pcie’: ‘0000:1b:00’}, {‘id’: 2, ‘mem’: 25425608704, ‘name’: ‘NVIDIA RTX A5000’, ‘pcie’: ‘0000:3d:00’}, {‘id’: 3, ‘mem’: 25425608704, ‘name’: ‘NVIDIA RTX A5000’, ‘pcie’: ‘0000:3e:00’}, {‘id’: 4, ‘mem’: 25425608704, ‘name’: ‘NVIDIA RTX A5000’, ‘pcie’: ‘0000:88:00’}, {‘id’: 5, ‘mem’: 25425608704, ‘name’: ‘NVIDIA RTX A5000’, ‘pcie’: ‘0000:89:00’}, {‘id’: 6, ‘mem’: 25425608704, ‘name’: ‘NVIDIA RTX A5000’, ‘pcie’: ‘0000:b1:00’}, {‘id’: 7, ‘mem’: 25425608704, ‘name’: ‘NVIDIA RTX A5000’, ‘pcie’: ‘0000:b2:00’}], ‘ofd_hard_limit’: 1048576, ‘ofd_soft_limit’: 1024, ‘physical_cores’: 48, ‘platform_architecture’: ‘x86_64’, ‘platform_node’: ‘hydra’, ‘platform_release’: ‘5.4.0-181-generic’, ‘platform_version’: ‘#201-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 28 15:39:01 UTC 2024’, ‘total_memory’: ‘251.54GB’, ‘used_memory’: ‘30.19GB’}, ‘job_type’: ‘class_2D_new’, ‘params_spec’: {‘class2D_K’: {‘value’: 100}, ‘compute_num_gpus’: {‘value’: 1}, ‘compute_use_ssd’: {‘value’: False}}, ‘project_uid’: ‘P825’, ‘status’: ‘failed’, ‘uid’: ‘J46’, ‘version’: ‘v4.5.1’}