FSC curve weird

Hi guys,

I got two high-resolution structures. And, I’m just about to submit a paper.
But before the submission, I want to deeply check FSC curves of my structures.

As you can see a left curve, you can easily found a up-and-down hill look like a mountain in the dotted circle marked by me.
Why doesn’t a curve smoothly fall to a zero line ?

As you can see a right curve, vertically dramatic down is shown in dotted circle and smooth down curve is continued to a zero line.
Why does dramatic down exist in the FSC curve ?

CleanShot 2023-02-17 at 15.59.08@2x

This is a curve which was supported about two years ago. I think this cuve is very natural for me because in this curve, up-and-down hill and vertically dramatic down doesn’t exist.

If you give a time for reply, it would be greatful help for me.
Thank you very much.

search this discussion board for “fsc dip” and you’ll see this is discussed frequently, and sometimes at length. I think you’re fine to publish.

Thank you for reply.
I will read threads which you suggest to read.