Fourier padding for all job types

Could the padding factor be exposed for all the job types? Sometimes it’s very hard to get in memory with (I assume) the 2x padding default. Using 1.5x is a great compromise in such cases, but it seems like it’s only available in 2D classification.

just re-upping this… not being able to change the padding is a real pain for large box sizes, increasingly becoming an issue with higher res data becoming more frequent


this would still be great to have, it is a major limitation for large particles at high resolution

Hi @olibclarke thanks for bumping this - our underlying implementation (for all the “new” refinement job types) does support arbitrary zeropadding, we are working through connecting and exposing that functionality in all the job types


Hi @apunjani,
I am doing NU Refinement (NEW) for my dataset and noticed that there is no padding during the refinement:
[CPU: 1.70 GB] ====== Refinement ======
[CPU: 1.70 GB] Input particles have box size 720
[CPU: 1.70 GB] Input particles have pixel size 1.2200
[CPU: 1.70 GB] Particles will be zeropadded/truncated to size 720 during alignment
[CPU: 1.70 GB] Volume refinement will be done with effective box size 720
[CPU: 1.70 GB] Volume refinement will be done with pixel size 1.2200
[CPU: 1.70 GB] Particles will be zeropadded/truncated to size 720 during backprojection
[CPU: 1.70 GB] Particles will be backprojected with box size 720
[CPU: 1.70 GB] Volume will be internally cropped and stored with box size 720
[CPU: 1.70 GB] Volume will be interpolated with box size 720 (zeropadding factor 1.00)

Would it be better to have some padding (1.5x at least) for the refinement? Thanks.

Sorry. I might have misunderstood this: Zeropadding does not mean no padding.